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Attendance Information

CHCCS Board Policy 4400:  Attendance

CHCCS Board Policy 4410: Enforcement of Compulsory Attendance Law

Families may also be invited in for attendance meetings where we will discuss an attendance contract / plan following the 2nd or 3rd Administrative Notice of Unexcused Absences as well as excused absences that are approaching or have exceeded 10+ during the school year.

North Carolina General Statute 115C-378

Compulsory Attendance Law

Summary of the Attendance Process for Unexcused Absences:

1.  Letter mailed notifying the family about 3 (or more) unexcused absences
        Please email Thomas Scroggs and Tina Moore ( with the reason(s) for the absences; the prinicipal will be consulted re: questions about whether or not an absence will be excused or unexcused.

2.  Letter mailed notifying the family about 6 (or more) unexcused absences
        Please email Thomas Scroggs and Tina Moore  ( with the reason(s) for the absences; the prinicipal will be consulted re: questions about whether or not an absence will be excused or unexcused.
        Ms. Moore will contact the family to follow up as needed.
        The student and family may be invited in for an attendance meeting and to discuss how to manage absences moving forward.

3.  Letter mailed notifying the family about 10 (or more) unexcused absences
        Ms. Moore will contact the family to follow up.
        The student and family will be invited in for an attendance meeting and to discuss how to navigate absences moving forward.
        A referral to the District Attorney for violation of the compulsory attendance law will be explored with the family and with relevant school staff members (principal, assistant principal, social worker, nurse, counselor)

When do absences become a problem? Chronic Absence 18 or more days. Warning Signs 10 to 17 days. Satisfactory 9 or few absences.