How many titles can I check out at a time?
You may check out 5 items at a time. However, this can change depending on how responsible you are in regards to returning your materials.
What are the check-out periods?
- Regular books - 3 weeks
- New Release books (marked with yellow tape) - 2 weeks
- Audiobooks - 1 week
- Magazines - 1 week
How many times can I renew a title?
As long as no one has it on hold, you can renew it as many times as you need to. We reserve the right to deny a renewal.
Are there late fees if my book is overdue?
There are no late fees. However, if you are late on more than two titles and don't renew the week your book is due, then you may only check out one title at a time.
What do I do if the library doesn't own a particular title?
You can make a recommendation in the suggestion box, located on the circulation desk! Last year, we purchased over 100 titles suggested by students.
How can I search for titles?
- We have two Destiny kiosks set up in the fiction for you to search for titles
- You can ask a librarian
- You can search on any device using the Destiny Discover widgets located on every page of this website (as long as you've asked permission to use it).
Coming to the Library
When can I come to the library?
- You can come to check out a book during any period of the day as long as the library isn't closed. You'll need a pass from your teacher to come on your own.
- Language Arts classes will have scheduled days for library checkout. If your teacher isn't adhering to this, you have my permission to bug them.
Wait. Why does the library close?
Sometimes we have to close because classes are using the space, or because of testing. There will be detailed signs on the door explaining how "closed" we are on a given day. Some days we'll be completely closed; other days we'll be open for checkouts but not recess; while on other days, we'll be completely open!
Can I come to the library for recess?
Yes, you may! Just sign out with a teacher on duty. Acceptable uses of the library during this time include the following:
- Reading and checking out materials
- Meeting with an approved club
- Meeting with a study group
- Engaging in Makerspace activities when available
What are the library's operating hours?
The library will open at 8 am and close at 4 pm on most days. There are days when I'll need to leave earlier, but no earlier than 3:40 unless I'm off-campus for a district meeting.
Signs between the doors will reflect any changes.
How can I become a library assistant?
Student library assistants have been instrumental in helping support the library. Here is how you become a library assistant:
- Attend the library assistant interest meeting
- Complete the library assistant orientations
- Complete an in-person shelving test
What perks are available to student library assistants?
Library assistants get a number of perks, including:
- A pass for your given days of the week
- The ability to eat lunch in the library on those days
- The ability to help plan and arrange special events like Harry Potter Week
- You can read announcements or help us collect library books
- The knowledge that you've helped make this an awesome place!