Debate Resources
Are you prepared to debate? Do you have the information you need to make your case? Check out these resources to ensure your debate is air-tight.
Points of View Reference Center is one of the best resources offered by NC Wise Owl. It contains an easily searchable database of major global issues, each of which contains an overview article and two articles about the different sides of the debate (point and counterpoint). Notice how each article has its sources cited, most of which contain links if you want to further explore the research.
This is the best place to start your research because you'll get a clear, unbiased look at the issue with the Overview article.
To access Points of View Reference Center, go to NCEdCloud, select EBSCO, then click on Points of View Reference Center.
It's all in the name! features the most common PROs and CONs for any given issue. Search by category, keyword, or alphabetically. This resource is one of my personal favorites, especially when paired with Points of View Reference Center (above).
Click here to access
iDebate, supported by the International Debate Education Association, provides both sides of multiple issues, both headline-making, controversial issues and issues you might not immediately consider controversial. PROs and CONs are listed for each. Note that each source is cited, so you can be sure the research that went into this site was conducted thoroughly. Additional resources and external links are available for each issue as well.
Explora is a database powered by the same people who made the Points of View Reference Center database, but it is more expansive. This is my number 1 source for reliable information. I would recommend using this to search for additional articles about your issue. You can use the search features along the side menu to narrow the results down to what you need. For instance, you can search for articles about your topic from the last 5-10 years so that your debate is current.
To access Explora, go to NCEdCloud, select EBSCO, then click on Explora.
Citing Your Sources with Noodle Tools
Check out this video tutorial for how to use Noodle Tools to cite your sources. Remember that even though EasyBib still exists, it won't catch your mistakes like Noodle Tools.
As always, feel free to email me ( with any questions you might have about your topic, the research process, or any of these stellar resources.